Chesapeake Academy Art Murals, 2013-14

Each fall middle school students start the year by planning and painting murals that portray the theme for the school year. This year’s theme is respect. Each grade uses a key word to focus their interpretation of the theme into their lives.The 5th grade’s keyword is physical, 6th’s is academic, 7th’s is social, and 8th’s is ethical.

5th Grade

5th grade chose to recreate a painting by artist Keith Haring to portray physical respect. We found that his use of bold lines and short lines surrounding the figures represents movement and energy. Our mural shows how we can show respect in a physical manner by treating others in a loving and caring manner. Treating others as we would like to be treated is the best way to show respect to others.

5th Grade Mural


6th Grade

6th grade students chose to paint a scene of a respectful classroom where students feel confident and safe. Academic respect includes being respectful of the teacher, other students, and the school itself. With practices in place, we can be successful learners.

6th Grade Mural


7th Grade

7th graders’ keyword is social. We felt that being respectful in a social setting would mean acting in a gracious manner where others are included in the fun, and no one is made to feel left out. Our mural shows students out for a ride on the trolly when they spot a new student and invite her to join them on their adventure.

7th Grade Mural


8th Grade

8th grade had the keyword ethical. We decided that that means that we treat each other’s beliefs and customs with respect and tolerance. We chose to use the coexist symbols because it represents people living peacefully despite differing opinions and beliefs. There is room for all in our world.

8th Grade Mural
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