Board of Trustees

We are extremely proud of our active Board of Trustees. These volunteers work tirelessly on behalf of the school community. Trustees are current parents, past parents, alumni and friends of the Academy. As a Governing Board, each member draws on personal experience to ensure a strong future for Chesapeake Academy. They work to ensure that the school is here for the children of our current students!

The Board of Trustees is responsible for strategic planning to support the school’s mission and vision and establishes policies consistent with this goal. Throughout the year the Board of Trustees’ work is accomplished through committees, which meet on a frequent basis. The committees include Executive, Finance, Governance, Long Range Planning, Development, Buildings & Grounds, and ad hoc committees as needed.

Board meetings are scheduled during the school year.

2024-2025 Executive Committee

  • John Clair, Chair
  • Debbie Newman, Vice Chair
  • Bryan Miller, Treasurer
  • Stacey Carden, Secretary
  • Ron Mihills, immediate past Chair
  • Catherine Emery, Head of School

2024-2025 Board of Trustees

  • Stacey Carden
  • John Clair
  • Donna Edmonds
  • Wanda Harding
  • Lisa Jenkins-Haynie
  • Patricia Mayhew
  • Lisa McLaughlin
  • Bryan Miller
  • Debbie Newman
  • Peggy Patteson
  • Todd Patterson
  • Rob Stephens
  • Loraine Trollip


Ex-Officio Members

  • Becca Sterrett, CAPPA President
  • Catherine Emery, Head of School

For more information contact the Head of School.