Welcome Parents!
CAPPA, Chesapeake Academy Parents and Patrons Association, consists of parents and community members who choose to make a difference in the life of the school as well as for the children who attend the school. CAPPA is formed with an Executive Committee made up of: President/Events, Immediate Past President, VP-Fundraising, Treasurer, Secretary, and Room Parent Coordinator. Additionally, there are positions for leadership in CAPPA as a Room Parent or a Committee Chair.
CAPPA believes it is important to recognize that as parents we strive to balance the demands of family life, work responsibilities, and community involvement. Chesapeake Academy offers our children a nurturing, creative and academic environment. As parents we can support all that Chesapeake offers by volunteering. When our children see us involved in their school, it sends a message telling our children that they are important to us and worthy of our time and energy!
In years past, CAPPA has provided the school family with many fun events such as Field Day, as well as supporting school wide needs as Campus Beautification and the Hospitality Committee. Additionally, CAPPA has developed successful fundraising programs (Box Tops for Education, Butter Braids, Apple Sales, Target VISA to name a few) which has allowed the volunteer pool to donate needed items to the school.
Volunteerism is alive at Chesapeake Academy!
Should you be interested in speaking to a member of the CAPPA Executive Committee:
Becca Sterrett, President
Amy Poole, Vice President
Ainslie Hodges, Treasurer
Jennifer Beuchelt, Secretary
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s up with the carpool line?
Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:15 a.m, and pick-up begins at 3:10 p.m. for Lower School and Middle School. Enter the carpool line on the left side of the main school building and pull ahead as instructed by faculty and staff. To facilitate the process, please refrain from using cell phones or exiting the car. During morning drop-off, parents of children in Pre-K 3 & 4 and Kindergarten may park in front of the Early Childhood building and walk their children in. For late arrivals, students need to enter through the front of the school and sign in with the secretary. During arrival and dismissal times, please use the cross walks.
What is Assembly?
Held on a biweekly basis, Assembly is a chance to bring the entire CA family together for announcements, presentations, or special programs. Student, faculty, and staff birthdays are recognized at assembly.
What are Birthday Books?
Family and friends may purchase a book to be donated to the CA library in honor of their special Osprey’s birthday. A bookplate will be placed in the front of the selected book with the student’s name and birth date as well as the donor’s name. Students will be recognized at an all-school assembly closest to the student’s birthday. Summer birthdays will be recognized during the school year. The honoree will be given the opportunity to be the first student to borrow the book. Susan May, Librarian, can provide details about this program.
What is Extended Day?
Our licensed extended day program for Ages 3 through Kindergarten is offered from Noon – 5:30 p.m. in the Early Childhood Center. This program has been established to meet the needs of busy families and provides quality care through a variety of engaging and entertaining hands-on experiences. Grades 1-4 will have extended day in the Library. Middle School students needing to stay until 5:30 p.m. take advantage of study hall time with a proctor. Students must have Extended Day registration form on file and attendance requires advance notice.
What is Back To School Night?
This is an evening where parents have the opportunity to see their child’s classroom and hear about the exciting plans for the school year. Customarily, the evening begins in the gym with introductions and opening remarks from the Head of School, the president of CAPPA, and others. Parents then move on to their child’s/children’s individual classrooms where teachers and room parents will pass along important information and answer questions. There are two separate Back to School Nights; one for Early Childhood and Lower School and one for Middle School. Back to School night is for PARENTS ONLY.
What is Parent Partnership?
Parent Partnership is a time to meet one-on-one with your child’s/children’s teacher. Parent Partnership occurs both in the fall and winter. For parents of students in Pre-K 3 & 4 through 4th grade, Parent Partnership meetings are for parents only. Middle school students run their own conferences with their parents and advisors.
What is Heads Up?
The bi-monthly, online newsletter for Chesapeake Academy. A very important source for information at the Academy.
What is Tag Day?
This is an opportunity for students to “dress down” on the LAST Wednesday of each month or at the discretion of the Head of School. Tag Day is a fundraiser for the Student Council, so students pay $0.50 for the privilege of wearing casual (but school-appropriate clothes). Money will be collected in the classroom. Participation in Tag Day is optional.
What is Dress Uniform Day?
This takes place on the FIRST Wednesday of each month and usually coincides with Assembly. Dress Uniform Day may also take place when there is a special occasion at school. Refer to the uniform requirements in the Family Handbook for details.
What is Grandparents’/Grandfriends’ Day?
This CA tradition usually takes place in November, but due to COVID, virtual classroom visits took place the last two years. It is an opportunity for grandparents and special friends to visit our school and see our program in action. The day begins with an all-school assembly and continues with activities in the individual classrooms. Hopefully, we will be able to get back to in-person visits soon.
What is the Community Oyster Roast?
This is a CA fundraiser/social event that will takes place in October. It is lots of fun, and tickets sell out fast every year. Don’t worry if roasted or fried oysters are not your thing—there is clam chowder, hamburgers, hot dogs, sweet potato fries and desserts. The Oyster Roast is for ADULTS ONLY.
What is the Holiday Program of Lessons and Carols?
This CA tradition will take place in the gym, in the morning before school is dismissed for the winter holidays. Light snacks are provided. Parents, family, and friends have the opportunity to enjoy singing, instrumental music, and a skit performed by the students. Sometimes special holiday “accessories” such as a red shirt or Santa hats are required. We will let you know in advance.
What is the ARTStravanganza?
An evening program of the arts by students in Pre-K 3&4 through Grade Eight in May. Each student has a visual art piece and also contributes to a performance.
What’s up with Graduation?
Graduation occurs on the first Tuesday of June. The entire student body is required to attend this event in dress uniform.
What is Field Day?
This is an event held in the spring to celebrate the end of the school year. Each division participates in age-appropriate running and field activities. Lunch is served by CAPPA.
What is Seacamp?
This long standing CA tradition allows 7th and 8th graders the opportunity for a hands-on marine biology experience. Children in the younger grades are aware of the trip and look forward to their turn.
It is almost a rite of passage for Chesapeake students. Fundraising for the trip is ongoing during the school year (Friday lunches, spaghetti suppers, etc). The Seacamp trip alternates every other year with a humanities based community service trip to Washington D.C.