Chesapeake Academy Extended Day Parent Manual

Why Offer an Extended Day Option?

The extended day option is offered at Chesapeake Academy to accommodate the child care needs of Academy families. The extended day program is open to children aged 3 years (by September 1) to third grade in order to support busy families that often struggle to balance hectic schedules and need dependable, consistent, caring child care. An extended day option at Chesapeake Academy is designed to help answer these modern issues in a manner that offers the maximum programmatic consistency for children.


Only those students who have completed the regular admissions process and are currently enrolled in Chesapeake Academy are eligible for the extended day program. All reservations are handled by the school secretary/Administrative Assistant to the Head of School. Reserved care is offered at an hourly rate of $8.00 per hour. Billing will be in 1 hour increments. Unreserved care may be available with 24 hours advance notice (no drop ins) and will also be billed at $8.00 per hour. Availability is not guaranteed. Parents are responsible for paying for all reserved care used or unused.

Pre-K 3&4 families may select a Flexible Full-Day Tuition Plan that offers some financial advantages for children who consistently use childcare. Contact Richard Abbott or Nancy Frank in the Business Office to explore this option.

In accordance with licensing requirements, parents must provide a current and complete health and immunization form annually, a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate and a current and complete permission and emergency information sheet prior to the first day of care. These forms will be on file in the administrative office in the extended day files. Information included in these registration materials is considered confidential.


An extended day program director and program leaders staff the extended day program. These personnel report through the Early Childhood Programs Director to the Head of School. All extended day staff meet the requirements of the Department of Education for employment. All copies of tuberculosis tests, criminal records checks, child protective services checks, and personal references are kept on file in the Academy’s administrative office. Parents may reach staff during school hours at (804) 438-5575. 

Fees and Payment Options

CA uses the FACTS incidental billing system to record and collect extended day payments. FACTS will email an extended day billing notice on or about the 7th day following month end. This balance will be the total due for the previous month. FACTS will collect from the financial account on file, the balance due 14 days after the billing notice.

It’s All in a Day

Children attending the extended day program are escorted to the extended day classroom after early childhood dismissal at noon. After taking a few minutes to use the restroom and wash hands, lunch, provided from home, is served in the extended day classroom from approximately 12:00 to 12:30. After lunch, children will go outside for some fresh air and exercise on the playground. Appropriate hats, gloves and coats are necessary in chilly weather. On rainy days, children will play indoors with age-appropriate toys and games in the classroom. Play or art activities are also a part of the extended day daily routine. A quiet rest/nap time (of at least an hour) will follow outdoor activities.  During this period, children may listen to quiet music or story tapes while they stretch out on their napping mats. Quiet drawing with crayons and paper is also permitted.

A flexible daily schedule is posted in the commons area of Wiley Hall each day.  


A teacher accompanies all children to the extended day program. Should a child arrive late for the extended day program, the responsible adult must check in with the childcare provider. 

Only those persons authorized by the parent in writing may pick up a child at the end of the day. Personal contact must be made with the caregiver before taking a child home each day. A written note must accompany any change in the normal dismissal procedures or parents may contact Ms. Amy DeWolf with instructions for unexpected changes. Children will not be dismissed without proper parental authorization. 

Children attending the extended day program who are to be picked up at 3:10 may be retrieved from lower school dismissal site. All other extended care students may be picked up from Wiley Hall. All extended day students will be accompanied by a caregiver until they are picked up. Children who have not been collected at the end of extended day will be accompanied to the administrative office to wait for their parents.


The extended day program does not offer lunch to participants at this time. Packed lunches from home should be in containers clearly marked with the child’s name and the date. Warm foods should be heated at home and sent in a thermos. Unused food will be returned for parents to see (It’s always nice to know what actually went “down the hatch”). Also, it is necessary to pack a water bottle for your child and an afternoon snack. In the event that a small person forgets/does not have a packed lunch, one will be provided.

Nap Time

As rest time is part of the extended day program, children will need their own, wipeable tri-fold rest mat (available through amazon) and two small fleece blankets (or a crib sheet and blanket), no pillows. These should be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Soft toys are also acceptable snooze-assistance. Each child’s nap equipment is kept in a separate bag. Parents take blankets home to be washed each Friday.

Extended day programs are encouraged to share information with parents regarding safe sleep practices and sudden infant death syndrome. Current research recommends that infants sleep on their backs without extraneous bedding, bumpers, or pillows.  


Behavioral expectations are consistent with those in the early childhood program and throughout Chesapeake Academy. Students are taught to demonstrate respect, cooperation, and self-control at age appropriate levels and to participate in a constructive manner in activities planned for them. Behavioral expectations are made clear and reiterated routinely. Ensuring adequate understanding, taking time out to ponder, personal coaching, and the loss of privileges are among methods that may be used to make corrections most effective when necessary. No physical punishment is ever used. Parents are informed of behavioral goals and concerns, and conferences are requested as necessary. Reports on extended day are included in the Academy’s report cards once per semester. Should concerns exist, parents must work with the caregiver to resolve issues.  A child who is unable to comply with behavioral expectations may be asked to withdraw from the extended day program.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

While CA’s center does not serve infants, all programs are asked to share information on preventing shaken baby syndrome. Some infants will undergo a period of increased crying generally between birth and five months. Babies may seem inconsolable even when all needs are met. This can be frightening and demoralizing to new parents.  After consulting a medical professional, parents and caregivers should take measures to prevent frustration in dealing with crying infants whose episodes can last for prolonged periods. Tag teaming care is a best practice. Reach out to friends and relatives for help with this entirely normal process by providing childcare breaks and support. Any shaking at all can cause permanent and deadly brain injury. Ninety eight percent of these cases resolve themselves after 5 months.

How Sick is “Sick”?

As parents know, children’s health is ever changing and can seem like a very gray area. It is sometimes hard to tell when a child is really unwell. In the interest of minimizing the spread of “bugs” and keeping our school community as healthy as possible, the following guidelines are offered.

In general, children should not attend the extended day program if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • Any fever, 100.4 or higher
  • Throwing up within the last 12 hours
  • Any colored nasal discharge
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash (chicken pox)
  • Pink eye
  • Any communicable disease, or if any member of their household has been exposed to COVID 19

If your child develops any symptoms of illness during the program, we will let you know as quickly as possible. Should we not be able to reach you, your emergency contacts will be called. If we cannot reach parents or emergency contacts, we will act in loco parentis in the best interest of the child in accordance with the signed permission slip and emergency information sheet in the registration package. As part of the extended day registration process, parents agree to notify the school of any communicable disease within 24 hours. Frequent hand washing and lots of fluids can be helpful in preventing illness to some degree and are a part of the daily routine in the extended day program. Children with coughs or colds may be asked to mask at the caregiver’s discretion to mitigate the spread of bugs.

Chewing gum, throat lozenges and hard candies are not allowed.

Chesapeake Academy has a pandemic health and hygiene plan in accordance with Virginia Council on Private Education and Department of Health/CDC guidelines  that is published for parents in the school’s Family Handbook. 

Sunscreen and Insect Repellent

All nonprescription drugs and over-the-counter skin products will be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and only with parental permissions. Nonprescription drugs and over-the-counter skin products will not be kept or used beyond the expiration date of the product.

If sunscreen is used, the following requirements shall be met:

  • Written parent authorization noting any known adverse reactions will be obtained 
  • Sunscreen will be in the original container labeled with the child’s name 
  • Sunscreen does not need to be kept locked but shall be inaccessible to children under five years of age or those children in a therapeutic child day program or special needs child day program
  • Any center-kept sunscreen shall be hypo-allergenic and have a minimum SPF of 15
  • Staff members without medication administration training may apply sunscreen, unless it is prescription sunscreen, in which case the storing and application of the sunscreen must meet medication-related requirements

If insect repellent is used, the following requirements will be met:

  • Written parent authorization noting any known adverse reactions shall be obtained
  • Insect repellent shall be in the original container and labeled with the child’s name;
  • Insect repellent does not need to be kept locked but shall be inaccessible to children
  • A record will be kept that includes the child’s name, date of use, frequency of application and any adverse reactions
  • Manufacturer’s instructions for age, duration and dosage shall be followed
  • Staff members without medication administration training may apply insect repellent, unless it is prescription insect repellent, in which case the storing and application of insect repellent must meet medication-related requirements

Medication Guidelines

Should your child need to take any prescribed medications while in the extended day program, the caregiver must receive a written notice detailing the medication and its dosages. An authorization to administer medication form is available in resource documents found on FACTS parentsweb or on the school’s website and may require a doctor’s signature. All medications are kept locked in designated areas. All medication, including over the counter medications must be labeled with the child’s full name, time and dates to be given, and the dosage. All medications must be in the original container and have the original prescription label. Over the counter medications cannot be given for more than a week without written instructions from a physician.  Center staff have Medications Administration Training and will follow all of the requirements of that program.

Allergies and Sensitivities

If a child has an allergy or sensitivity that requires intervention, a written care plan must be provided that is signed by the child’s doctor, outlines the allergy, and includes the steps to be taken. 

Accidents and Boo Boo’s

First aid kits are located in the facility. All accidents, injuries or illnesses are reported to the parent by the staff. Accident reports outline accident circumstances and are signed by parents and staff. Specific arrangements must be made for the administration of any medication. Extended day program staff members are certified in First Aid and CPR and have received training in the daily health observations of children as well as medications administration training.

In the case of any emergency, parents will be contacted. If parents cannot be reached, emergency contacts will be called. If necessary, staff will call 911.

Personal Belongings/Toys

The extended day setting is filled with age appropriate toys, puzzles, and games. The extended day caregiver plans and prepares fun and stimulating activities for students each day. Your child should not bring toys from home. Blankets and soft toys for nap time are fine.

Reports to Parents

At least once each semester, the caregiver will report to parents to outline the highlights of the program’s activities for the past weeks and comment on development, behavior, and any necessary adjustments for each child.  These reports are included in the Academy’s report cards.

Parking Lot Safety

Safety at Chesapeake Academy is a primary concern! Please share these guidelines on parking lot safety with anyone to whom you have given permission to pick up your child. 

  • Adults must accompany children when arriving and leaving Wiley Hall (children should be within arm’s reach). 
  • No vehicles may be left running unattended.
  • All traffic moves at a snail’s pace (5 mph) on campus, and no passing is permitted. Most vehicles move faster than 5 mph while idling in drive. Ride the brake!
  • There is no acceleration zone on campus!

Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect

All employees of this program are required by law to report suspected child abuse and/or neglect.

Emergencies and Weather Related Closings

In the event of a school closing at Chesapeake Academy, the extended day program will also close. Alerts for school closing or delays will be sent through FACTS via text message to phone numbers on file, the CA website and CA Facebook page. Children will remain under supervision until a parent arrives. Please check to ensure your contact information is current in FACTS. 

Parent Participation

When feasible, parents are welcomed to participate in the program after coordinating the planned time with the caregiver.

Parental Agreements

A written agreement between the parent and the center will be in each child’s record by the first day of the child’s attendance. The agreement will be signed by the parent and include:

  • An authorization for emergency medical care should an emergency occur when the parent cannot be located immediately unless the parent states in writing an objection to the provision of such care on religious or other grounds
  • A statement that the center will notify the parent when the child becomes ill and that the parent will arrange to have the child picked up as soon as possible if so requested by the center
  • A statement that the parent will inform the center within 24 hours or the next business day after his child or any member of the immediate household has developed any reportable communicable disease, as defined by the State Board of Health, except for life threatening diseases, which must be reported immediately

Licensing Information for Parents

The Commonwealth of Virginia helps assure parents that child care programs are safe by requiring licensure through the Virginia Department of Education. Standards for licensed day care centers address certain health precautions, adequate play space, ratio of children per staff member, equipment, programming and record keeping. Criminal records checks and specific qualifications for staff and most volunteers working with children are also required. Standards require the building to meet applicable fire, health and building codes. Compliance with standards is determined by announced and unannounced visits to the program by licensing staff within the Department of Social Services.  In addition, parents or other individuals may register a complaint about the program that will be investigated if it violates a standard.

Chesapeake Academy provides excellent care in well-maintained facilities as a fully licensed day care facility. Our staff is committed to a positive experience for all families and welcomes your thoughts and concerns. Should you have a concern regarding the extended day program, first address your thoughts with the extended day caregivers and the program’s director. The Head of the Early Childhood Division and the Head of School are also available to discuss concerns should you find this necessary. Should a caregiver’s employment be terminated, parents will be notified of the reason for severance. Finally, any issue that addresses standards for licensure may be reported to the Department of Social Services.


Parents should be aware that information in the registration package will be shared with staff members who have responsibility for the care of children in the extended day program. The staff of the extended day program will consider all such information confidential.

Emergency Preparedness Plan

Chesapeake Academy has an emergency preparedness plan that addresses staff responsibility and facility readiness with respect to emergency evacuation, lockdown, and shelter-in-place. The plan developed in consultation with local or state authorities, addresses the most likely to occur emergency scenario or scenarios, including natural disaster, chemical spills, intruder, and terrorism specific to the locality.